If you missed the lecture and discussion by Dr. Megan McKenna, on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, titled “Repairing One’s Soul …Repairing the World,” you can view at the following link: Video of Megan McKenna Lecture and Discussion Megan, renowned theologian, storyteller, and prolific author, shared the topic of Tikkum Olam, a Jewish concept which involves repairing one’s soul, as well as repairing the world. It was “balm for the spirit” in these challenging times.
A Gathering of CCOC members occurred in January, 2020. Over 80 CCOC members participated in the all-day event. There was time to discuss the current state of the diocese, parishes, and CCOC, identify priorities of needs within each of them, and consider planning initiatives and actions for 2020. The pandemic we are experiencing has slowed some of the initiatives, but not the enthusiasm for them! You are encouraged to read the Notes from the Gathering which captures the Spirit that was in our midst that day.
If you are interested in having members of CCOC come to talk with members of your parish, or just you and a group of friends, we would welcome the opportunity to meet with you if we coordinate doing so while social distancing. Register on the Contact Us page, and share information about what you have in mind in the Comments section of the registration. If you would like to talk to a CCOC member about a meeting, tell us that, too!
CCOC Progress Report commemorating the Third Anniversary of the Release of the PA Grand Jury Report